Luxury vehicles and fertiliser subsidy – a clash of interests

Farmers charge that the interest shown to secure luxury vehicles for parliamentarians is not seen in solving the fertiliser subsidy issue.

Owning to weak rainfall experienced during the Southwestern monsoon, the harvest during the Maha season has dropped by half of the expected output. While these farmers endure such hardships in farming their lands, problems in receiving the fertiliser subsidy has compelled them to abandon their cultivation.

While farmers lament that they cannot harvest their cultivation, there is a significant increase in the price of rice sold in the market. As a solution to this situation, the Chairman of the Paddy Marketing Board M. B Dissanayake says, paddy will be released both today, December 20, and tomorrow December 21. . Thereby, steps were taken to release paddy in the Ampara, Polonnaruwa and Hambantota Districts this morning However, the Paddy Marketing Board says that priority will be given to mill owners in the relevant districts when issuing the stocks of paddy.

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