Police clashed with anarchists after two marches that protested against the US President Obama’s visit to Greece.
Greek Police had to retaliate with tear gas and stun grenades against an estimated 150 anarchists who were geared up with rocks and Molotov cocktails
Some 8,000 protesters walked through central avenues chanting slogans against the European Union, NATO, and the International Monetary Fund, a staple of left-wing marches. Leftists annual protest march outside the US embassy on November 17 to commemorate the crushing of a student uprising by a military dictatorship in 1973 but Obama’s arrival kicked off demonstrations early this year.
The last time a US president came to Athens 17 years ago, violent protests were seen.NATO ended the Yugoslav war in 1999 by bombing Greece’s Orthodox ally Serbia and anger against NATO’s deployment against a European country and US ally in World War II fueled protesters’ anger at the time.
President Obama and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras exchanged complimentary remarks, ealier on Tuesday
Obama arrives in Greece at start of final foreign tour
“In the economic crisis of 2008, [Obama] led the US economy on a completely different path to that chosen by Europe,” said the Greek Premier. “Eight years later, the results are more than visible.”
“I’ve been clear from the beginning of this crisis that in order to make reforms sustainable, the Greek economy needs the space to return to growth and start creating jobs again. We cannot simply look to austerity as a strategy, and it is incredibly important that the Greek people see improvements in their daily lives.” said US President Obama
The left-wing government in Greece has commended Obama’s visit as a clarification of its efforts to deliver social justice and keep society stable. Obama was due to address the Greek people on Wednesday.
Many Greeks feel that had Obama’s visit should have come sooner in the economic crisis
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