Aluthgama private bus operators launch strike

Private bus operators of the Aluthgama region commenced a strike action on Thursday morning. The strike action was conducted in protest against the minimum fine of Rs.2,500, imposed on motor offences, through the recent budget.

Convenor of the All Island Private Bus Owners Association Kumararatna Renu Kaviththava said that Gemunu Wijeratne did not want the strike to take place, as he is the President of the entire association. He went on to state however that they will go ahead with the strike.

“We are servants, we are not just carrying out strikes. We will leave our employment aside and depart because we are not content with the 2500 rupee fine imposed. Because it is not fair we will leave our duties”, he added, “We cannot pay 2500 with our wages”.

He went on to note, if the Rs.2500 tax is imposed, they will resign from their duties as they cannot handle the “high” fine.

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