News 1st Editorial: Enough is enough!

Editorials serve an important purpose, in that they put forward the position taken by a particular media organisation on the issues that matter to the people.

In today’s digital world, an editorial becomes an important way of cutting through the clutter and get to the heart of the matter.

Today (Oct 30) is the beginning of News 1st’s own weekly editorial, which will be published every Sunday.

Corruption. A word that was used to devastating effect before January 8th 2015. All in the name of change and a better Sri Lanka. And the people trusted what they were told, what they were promised. And they came out and voted.

Yes, they voted for individuals. But what did they really vote for?

They voted against an old, archaic system. They voted against the abuse of power. They voted against being ‘used’ by politicians. They voted against seeing politicians enrich themselves whilst the people themselves struggled to make ends meet. They voted against lies, broken-promises & decades of poverty. They voted for change. And most of all, against corruption.

One man stood up against corruption and asked the people to stand behind him. And on January 8th, they did. But despite his efforts, today, those who benefited from a fearless people, have turned their backs on the very people who gifted them with the opportunity to usher in a new Sri Lanka.

They rule in arrogance and nonchalance. They do not see nor do they understand the pain our people endure, day in and day out. They don’t feel their thirst, their hunger. The lack of opportunity. A fear of dreaming for something more than a job as a labourer. Our mothers and sisters are being exported, while our children’s futures are being stolen from them by mass-scale, white-collar robbery.

Today, those who the people rejected countless times have been set in high-office by virtue of a democratic process and not on their own merit. Leaders who used their political cunning to cling on to power within their own party, while the party itself decayed, are using the same tactics to cling on to power and continue to rule our nation.

Today they have been exposed beyond reasonable doubt. Today not only have they lost out on their political base but far more importantly, they have lost the trust of the people.

Yes, politics is changing. And the politics of subsidies, the politics of fear, the politics of violence, the politics of corruption is coming to an end. And the question is, do our politicians have any understanding of this? Do they see it, or are they blind?

Do they even care? Or are they blissfully ignorant?

For the sake of our beautiful nation, our motherland, it is time that these corrupt, rogue politicians go home. Resign. Save that last iota of dignity if you still have it, think of our people, and hand over the reins to a new generation.

This nation has bled enough. We have suffered and we have struggled.

Enough, is enough.

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