8 SOCs to meet for the first time on 8 th and 9 th

8 SOCs to meet for the first time on 8 th and 9 th

The Secretary General of Parliament Mr. Dhammika Dasanayake said that 8 Sectoral Oversight Committees (SOCs)will meet for the first time on 8 th and 9 th March.

He further said that the chairpersons of these 8 Sectoral Oversight Committees are to be appointed in these first meetings and the chairpersons of 4 committees are to be appointed from the ruling party and the chairpersons of 4 committees are to be appointed from the opposition party. Recently, Speaker Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena announced the names of 17 Sectoral Oversight Committees to Parliament, and the following 8 committees are scheduled to meet 8 th and 9 th of March.

Wednesday, the 08th of March 2023

1. Sectorial Oversight Committee on Religious Affairs and Co-Existence
2. Sectorial Oversight Committee on Reconciliation and National Unity
3. Sectorial Oversight Committee on National Security.
4. Sectorial Oversight Committee on Environment, Natural resources & Sustainable

Thursday, the 09th of March 2023. -

5. Sectorial Oversight Committee on International Relations
6. Sectorial Oversight Committee on Increasing Export of Goods & Services
7. Sectorial Oversight Committee on Alleviating the Impact of the Economic Crisis.
8. Sectorial Oversight Committee on Energy & Transport