Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers taken at the meeting held on 13.12.2021 11:37:00 AM IFTTT, News Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers taken at the meeting held on 13.12.2021 Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsNavy seizes a stock of Kerala cannabis worth about Rs. 71 million with 03 suspectsCovid Death Figures for 13.06.20212275 Covid- 19 infections reported today"Constitution is the right of the citizens of Sri Lanka and the sovereignty lies within the people of Sri Lanka, not anybody else" - Minister Keheliya Rambukwella G7 announces pledges of 870 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, of which at least half to be delivered by the end of 2021Fishing community affected by MV X-Press Pearl shipwreck to receive Rs. 5000 allowance from Tuesday