Amendment of existing laws applicable to journalists and media institutions and preparation of policies and ethics. 11:37:00 AM IFTTT, News Amendment of existing laws applicable to journalists and media institutions and preparation of policies and ethics. Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsWarning for Cyclonic Storm “BUREVI” -The system is very likely to move west-northwestwards and cross eastern coast of Sri LankaDivulapitiya and Peliyagoda Covid-19 clusters - new cases- 17831st Special Session of the General Assembly in response to the COVID-19 pandemicWEATHER - The cyclonic strom ‘ BUREVI’ very likely to cross Sri LankaNavy extends relief to community affected by cyclonic storm ‘Burevi’Divulapitiya and Peliyagoda Covid-l9 clusters -new cases-501