New FAO Country Representative calls on the Foreign Minister 8:38:00 AM IFTTT, News Newly appointed Country Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to Sri Lanka Vimlendra Sharan called on Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena at the Foreign Ministry, 28 June, 2021. Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsOrganic agriculture program is not a political decision - Governor of the Eastern ProvinceThe Korean Ambassador to Sri Lanka assures that the prospect to leave for work in Korea will be provided shortly20,903 proposals for the road development program which will provide Rs. 2 million to a Grama Niladhari DivisionAustralia's support for the MV X-press Pearl costal clean-upA Special COPE Committee Meeting Scheduled for the 22 ndCovid Death Figures for 16.06.2021