Divulapitiya, Peliyagoda and Prison Covid-19 clusters- 79089 4:38:00 AM IFTTT, News Divulapitiya, Peliyagoda and Prison Covid-19 clusters- 79089 Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsMore Tri Service Parachutists Pass out Adding More Skills & Teeth to Airborne OperationsSri Lanka and Thailand hold high-powered talks to explore mutually beneficial investment corridors Prof. Janitha A. Liyanage, Sri Lankan Ambassador Designate to Russia visits the Prime MinisterThe Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa instructed the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to reduce import restrictionsHonorary Consulate of Sri Lanka Opened in historical city of BursaAll our plans are being implemented to bring the children's world closer to them expeditiously