The NCPA starts probing into alleged child abuse footage 12:52:00 PM IFTTT, News The National Child Protection Authority issued a notice requesting the general public to send them any information pertaining to the controversial video footage depicting a 6 year old female child being sexually abused. Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsShowers at times will occur in Northern, Eastern, Uva and North-Central provincesSpecial program in Parliament to support the COPA in streamlining the evaluation processChristmas message- I wish everyone a happy Christmas in which the gospel of humanity, harmony and sacrifice that Jesus Christ desired, will spread far and wide.Rainy and windy conditions are likely to increase over most parts of the island further during next two daysThe Cabinet of Ministers approved a series of events to appreciate contribution of upcountry TamilsCommander of the Navy pays homage to places of worship in Anuradhapura and receives blessings