Speaker recognised Ranil as Opposition Leader 3:06:00 PM IFTTT, News Speaker Karu Jayasuriya in a tweet said leader of the United National Front for Good Governance (UNFGG) Ranil Wickremesinghe was recognised as the leader of the opposition upholding established Parliamentary traditions. Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsDivulapitiya and Peliyagoda Covid-l9 clusters -new cases-233A special Bodhi Pooja to invoke blessings for the Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa held today at ParliamentDivulapitiya and Peliy agoda Covid-l9 clusters - Total cases today 437COPE to Commence its Proceedings – Prof. HerathDivulapitiya and Peliy agoda Covid-l9 clusters - news cases- 243Another four Covid -19 deaths reported