EU observer team do not interfere in the electoral process

EU observer team do not interfere in the electoral process

The European Union Election Observation Mission that has now arrived told news media that they were disinterested in who wins the upcoming Presidential Elections and that the mission would neither validate nor interfere in the electoral process. Deputy Chief Observer, Dimitra Ioannou speaking at a media briefing said that the Election Observer mission would remain independent of the European Union Delegation in the country. “We will remain independent and impartial. We do not intend to interfere in the electoral process nor will we impose our recommendations,” she told reporters at a media briefing at the Colombo Hilton. “We are not here to legitimise the results or the process.”

Ioannou is part of a 30 member team of which the core team of nine additional individuals including head of the mission and Chief Observer Marisa Matias will be based in Colombo.The 30 long term observers were dispatched to the nine provinces yesterday.This team will be further strengthened by additional observers, including data analysts, social media analysts, legal and statistics in the weeks preceding the elections, bringing the total strength to 80. “This is the biggest mission to Sri Lanka,” the Deputy Observer remarked.

She said the mission is mandated to observe the legal framework, the work of the election commission, election campaign, role of civil society and conduct of the media during this period, including social media. She added that the observers would also be present at the polling booth on the day of the election. Their findings and assessments would be reflected in the preliminary report published shortly after the election. The EU Election observer mission also monitored the 2015 elections after which 26 recommendations were made.

To-date only three of those recommendations have been implemented in full, which includes training of Election officers, voter education and ensuring 25 percent of women’s quota.