Trade deficit narrows in April

Trade deficit narrows in April

*Deficit in trade account narrows to USD 797 mn from USD 999 mn in April 2018.
* Earnings from tourism in April records a decline of 7.5 per cent (year-on-year),
*Workers’ remittances amounts to USD 554 mn in April 2019, recording a growth of 2.3 per cent
*Exchange rate stable during the latter part of April 2019.
* Gross official reserves ends at USD 7.2 billion, equivalent to 4.1 months of imports at end April 2019.

The deficit in the trade account narrowed significantly in April 2019 in comparison to the corresponding month of the previous year due to a considerable reduction in imports. Meanwhile, on a cumulative basis, the deficit in the trade account contracted noticeably to USD 2,458 million during the first four months of 2019 in comparison to USD 3,981 million recorded in the corresponding period of 2018.

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