State businesses: Asset base grew by 10 % but revenue losses

State businesses: Asset base grew by 10 % but revenue losses

"The total asset base of State Owned Businesses Enterprises (SOBE)s amounts to Rs. 8,204.07 billion in 2018, which grew by 10 percent compared Rs. 7,432.40 billion in 2017 but in 2018, total revenue generated by 54 SOBEs amounted to Rs. 1,916.02 billion, of which 37 SOBEs, recorded a net profit amounting to Rs. 130.66 billion, while 16 SOBEs recorded net losses amounting to Rs. 156.73 billion. In the overall context, SOBEs have recorded a loss amounted to Rs. 26 billion arising from the loss of Rs.104 billion recorded by Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC) " says the annual Performance Report of the Public Enterprises Department

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