Uma Oya project to increase capacity of Handapanagala reservoir

Uma Oya project to increase capacity of Handapanagala reservoir

The Uma Oya Multipurpose project aims is to provide irrigation water to 4,000 acres of land in the Wellawaya area by the development of the left Bank of the Handapanagala reservoir.Under the project, the proposed plan is to enlarge the existing Handapanagala reservoir by raising the dam of the reservoir to increase the volume of water stored. Increasing the height of the bund by 12 feet can increase its capacity from 5,000 acre feet to 15,000 acre feet.

The Uma Oya Multipurpose project aims is to provide irrigation water to 4,000 acres of land in the Wellawaya area by the development of the left Bank of the Handapanagala reservoir.Under the project, the proposed plan is to enlarge the existing Handapanagala reservoir by raising the dam of the reservoir to increase the volume of water stored. Increasing the height of the bund by 12 feet can increase its capacity from 5,000 acre feet to 15,000 acre feet.

The project includes the construction of the 10.7 km long main left bank canal and extension of 900-meter long bund to 1350 meters. It also hopes to lengthen the 4.5 km long right bank canal by another 2 kilometers. Construction of the left bank canal has been completed 90 percent.The left bank and right bank main canals of the Handapanagala reservoir will feed many of the existing and new irrigation areas directly as well as through the existing minor irrigation tanks in the area.

Through the development of the left and the right banks, three seasons can be cultivated. In addition to paddy cultivations, facilities have been provided to farmers for intercropping. The farmers have already directed to growing papaya, oranges, pineapples, and rubber crops.


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