Sri Lanka thanks countries that helped in Geneva

Sri Lanka thanks countries that helped in Geneva

The Government of Sri Lanka extends its appreciation to all the countries that extended support to Sri Lanka in the UN Human Rights Council yesterday, 23 March 2017, for the adoption of Resolution A/HRC/34/1 titled ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’, by consensus.

We deeply appreciate the understanding shown by all, and support for Sri Lanka’s processes for promoting reconciliation, justice, and human rights, towards enduring peace and prosperity for all Sri Lankans.


Following the January 8th 2015 Presidential Election, the National Unity Government, under the leadership of President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, made a promise to the people of Sri Lanka that the Government will shift from the practice under the previous administration, of antagonism and self-isolation, and instead engage and work with all stakeholders including friends and partners in the international community, to uphold human rights, establish rule of law, end impunity, strengthen democracy and good governance, and create the stability and peace required in our country for the prosperity of all our people.


The international community took an important step yesterday in the UN Human Rights Council to help Sri Lanka’s journey in this direction by extending the timeline of Resolution 30/1 co-sponsored by Sri Lanka in 2015, by two years. We thank all countries for placing their faith in the Government and people of Sri Lanka, and for walking with us, as we strive to establish Sri Lankan Government-led processes with international assistance, engagement and support for the benefit of all our citizens, without discrimination.


While we look to the continued support of all countries and the UN system in this progressive journey towards reconciliation, strengthening democracy, good governance, rule of law and achieving durable peace and economic prosperity for all in our country, we are especially appreciative of the countries that co-sponsored Resolution 34/1, namely, United States of America, United Kingdom, Macedonia, Montenegro, Canada, Israel, Australia, Japan, Norway, Germany, Republic of Korea, Lichtenstein, Slovakia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Albania, Belgium, Ireland, Indonesia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, France, Lithuania, Slovenia, Poland, Portugal, Ivory Coast, Bulgaria, Greece, Latvia, Sweden, Romania, Finland, Malta, Georgia, Netherlands, Spain, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Estonia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.