Industrial Production Index for January released

Industrial Production Index for January released

Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) has released monthly Index of industrial Production (IIP) for January 2017.

According to the Director General of DCS, Dr. A.J Satharasinghe from January, 2017 the IIP is released monthly with a time lag of 42 days considering 2015 as the base year.


He stated that the IIP; the volume of industrial production has increased by 0.7% in January, 2017 compared to the same month in 2016.  


Manufacturing industries; other non-metallic mineral product (24.7%), Electrical equipment (12.2%) and Basic Metals (9.1%) showed remarkable increase in productions during the month of January, 2017 compared to that of January, 2016. The increase in volume of production of Non-metallic mineral product industry could be attributed to the growth of construction industry in the reason past. The volume of food products has increased by 1.6 % in January.The industries; Coke and refined petroleum products (44.2%), Chemical and Chemical product (23.2%), and Paper and Paper product (5.0%), reported decrease in the volume of production in the month of January compared to the monthly production of these industries in January 2016.