Minister of Health,Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Dr.Rajitha Senarathna is exploring the possibility of importing a drug to save the lives of heart patients.
If this medicine is given within three hours of suffering an attack the life of the patient can be saved, and this was conveyed by Heart specialists to the Minister.
This medicine can be given at any hospital or a mobile clinic. At present this medicine is being imported at a cost of Rs 120,000. Minister said that he will initiate discussions to import it at a lesser cost.
Minister said that there is no shortage of drugs at hospitals and said that his only aim is to see that the free health system is active.
Giving stents and eye lenses free to the patients has led to an increase of patients at government hospitals said the representatives of the Heart Specialists association who met the Minister.
They also discussed on what measures should be taken to develop the Heart Unit of the hospital and to provide adequate facilities to patients coming for treatment.