Drinking water for fisher community with Korean funding

Drinking water for fisher community with Korean funding
The necessity of a drinking water supply project was emphasized by State Minister of Fisheries Dilip Vedarachchi during a discussion held with a Korean team of delegates. He stated that under the government program"Dawn of Three years in the Era of sustainability" and “Blue Economy”, a program to convert sea water in to drinking water shall be implemented to ensure the water facilities to the fisher community. 
The Korean delegates consented in implementing a project to draw sea water by deep tube wells and convert them in to drinking water using solar power. The project will be funded by the Korean government.
The discussion was held with the participation of Mr. Dong Soo Kim and many Sri Lankan officials. The Minister during the discussion emphasized the importance of a drinking water supply project in the context of a possible drought in the near future.
The delegates also briefed the Minister about the potentials of salt production as a by-product, employment generation and contribution of solar power to the national electricity system under this project. This was decided to be implemented as a pilot project commencing from Hambantota and afterwards extending to Puttlam, Kalpitiya and in other islands.

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