The import of canned fish to Sri Lanka has decreased by 16.2 per cent in 2016.
Import of canned fish to Sri Lanka in 2015 was 49, 016 metric tons and in 2016 it was only 29, 994 metric tons. Largest proportion of canned fish (84.2%) has been imported from China and the rest is from Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Yemen, Seychelles, India, and Maldives.
In 2015, 1kg of the imported canned fish was priced at Rs. 102 and the Special Commodity Levy was reduced by Rs. 50 in January which caused an increase of imported canned fish. However in 2016, it has shown a significant fall.
Mackerel fish imports from Japan to produce canned fish in Sri Lanka were reported to be 2,816 metric tons in 2016. This is due to the government’s conformity to the standard of HS (Harmonized System) in ensuring the quality of imports.
Government in 2016 has incurred Rs. 7,885 million for canned fish imports and it shows a downturn of 8.5% relatively to the expenditure in 2015 which was amounted to Rs 8, 619 million.