The passing away of Jayalalitha Jeyaram, a states woman who won the hearts and minds of not only the people of South India but all of India is a sad occasion indeed.
The people of South India elected her as their Chief Minister six times; she was not in the best of health when she won her last election yet it was a firm display of the trust people had placed in her as their leader.
Although she had political differences with Sri Lanka, to her credit as a stateswoman, she maintained that the issues faced by Indian and Sri Lankan fishermen must be solved in a humane manner.
During her life time, she did much to establish and maintain a strong sense of fellowship between India and Sri Lanka.
Fondly known as ‘Amma’ by her people, Jayalalitha Jeyaram will be remembered for the selfless service she rendered unto her people.
Ranil Wickremesinghe