More deserters get legal discharge during General Amnesty

More deserters get legal discharge during General Amnesty

A large number of tri force deserters, who are considered as Absent without Official Leave (AWOL) have reported to their respective services to get the legal discharge during the one month long General Amnesty which was announced by the Ministry of Defence from 01st of December.

As of 26th December, seven officers and 4,658 other ranks of the army have made themselves present to authorities in order to obtain their legal discharge. According to Military Spokesman Brigadier Roshan Senevirathna, two officers and 424 sailors of the navy, and sixteen officer and 195 airmen have also reported to their respective services during this period.


With the General Amnesty to end on 31st December all deserters who have yet to report are encouraged to utilize this period to get their legal discharge without delay. This is the second amnesty period announced during this year. The first one was in effect from June 13th to July 12th. Authorities have decided to take tough measures against deserters who fail to report during this amnesty period.