Former President Bandaranaike’s Christmas Message

Former President Bandaranaike’s Christmas Message

Christmas message of Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga


I wish to convey to all Christians, as well as others, my sincere good wishes for their wellbeing and happiness in this period of festivities and celebration, marking the birth of the Christ Child.  He came into this world to preach to the humblest and the non-believers, a message of Love, Compassion and Forgiveness and Peace.

The people of our country have chosen the path of Unity and Reconciliation and are engaged in building an inclusive society and a pluralist Nation.  Let us have confidence and faith in the goodwill and assurances of our peoples, as well as our friends in the international community, and take strength to continue in our just cause.

I take this opportunity to wish all Christians a blessed and peaceful Christmas!

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