Day time closure of BIA operations: Passengers should come five hours prior to departure

Day time closure of BIA operations: Passengers should come five hours prior to departure

Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) will be closed for airport operations for eight hours daily from 08.30 a.m. to 04.30 p.m. from 06th January to 05th April 2017.

The purpose of the closure is to overlay the runway in order to improve surface conditions and friction levels of the runway. This would be the first time such an overlay project is to be carried out since the commissioning of the runway in 1986. The estimated cost of the construction of the runaway is nearly Rs.7.2 billion.


The closure period was decided in consultation with the airport users with special emphasis on weather trends and civil engineering needs. The daily closure times during afore mentioned period have been decided taking into consideration periods with least congestion in order to minimize any adverse impact on both airlines and airport users. Currently there are around 175 aircraft movements per day and most of the commercial flights have been rescheduled for operations within the revised operational hours (i.e. 04.30 p.m. – 08.30 a.m.)


Airport and Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Ltd. as the airport operator has taken all possible measures to minimize the impact of the closure on airport users. Passengers are kindly requested to be at the airport five (05) hours prior to departure time as the airline check in counter closure one (01) hour prior to schedule departure time will be strictly adhered to.


Accompanying Visitors of passengers are discouraged or requested to keep such visitors to the minimum. Further the departure public concourse will be closed for visitors daily from 02.00 a.m. to 07.00 a.m. in the morning and 02.00 p.m. to 07.00 p.m. in the afternoon during afore mentioned period.


Respective airlines will update their passengers on any revision to their flight schedules. Passengers who have already booked their tickets on any of the flights which were scheduled to operate during the above mentioned closure times are advised to contact their travel agent/s and or the nearest airline ticketing office for further details on revised times and/ or alternate routings.


All airport users are requested to arrive at the airport early to avoid any inconvenience due to unforeseen traffic congestions. A special traffic plan will be implemented by Sri Lanka Police within and around the airport during afore mentioned period. All vehicles must be parked at the designated vehicle parking areas and drivers are strictly advised to refrain from parking in any other areas which would result in traffic congestion.


SriLankan passengers who are departing for foreign employment are kindly requested to obtain the registration from the Head office of the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) or from island-wide SLBFE branches prior to arriving at the airport to airport to avoid inconvenience. This is a mandatory requirement for such passengers travelling overseas after 01st November 2016 as only the scrutinizing of documents will be carried out at the airport SLBFE office.

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