Current administration – Government or Fruit Salad? : K. D. Lalkantha speaks…

The JVP has charged that the Prime Minister has gathered all the powers of the government around him.

Beginning with the Hambantota Port –a place that has been the talk of the town in the recent past– JVP Politburo member K.D. Lalkantha said that selling the port to china along with 15 acres “will lead the way for a Chinese colony.”

K.D. Lalkantha: “Handing over 15,000 acres of a country’s landmass is no mere joke. They say that they are not selling the land instead they are giving it out on a 99 year lease. When this lapses they will extend it for another 99 years. That’s a total of 198 years, although they label doesn’t stat it, it has already been sold.”

Lalkantha pointed out that, though the president is ‘the commander in chief of military’, it was the prime minister who ordered the Navy to intervene during the recent strike at the Hambantota port.

“The president should resign because the prime minister is doing everything that he (the President) is supposed to be doing.” he added

The JVP Politburo member also spoke of the minister of ports – Arjuna Ranatunga – and questioned “what is the point of this ministerial portfolio?” as the minister had revealed that he was not informed of the plans to sell the port .

“This is an amazing administration- the Prime Minister handles the portfolios of the President, ministers intervene to sell off assets which come under the purview of other ministers.” said K. D. Lalkantha

Lalkantha also pointed out the SLFP members who -according to Lalkantha- say “we are unaware of this”.

“This is an amazing partnership, they stay patiently for a long time and then they burst our calling on them to leave, yet don’t they remain like frogs in a house, this looks more like a fruit salad rather than a government”

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