Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy pays homage to Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi

Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy pays homage to Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi

The Chief of Naval Staff of the Indian Navy, Admiral Sunil Lanba paid homage to Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi during his visit to Anuradhapura yesterday (1st Dec.).

During this tour, Admiral Lanba also paid homage to Ruwanwelisaya, Jethawanaramaya and took much interest in observing the “Moonstone” (Sandakadapahana), a unique feature of the Sinhalese architecture of ancient Sri Lanka.

The occasion was attended by Commander North Central Naval Area, Rear Admiral Merril Wickramasinghe, senior officers and Defence Advisor of the Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka, Captain Prakash Gopalan along with senior Indian naval officers. Mementoes were also exchanged to mark the significance of this visit.

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