Minister Athukorala to attend GFMD

Minister Athukorala to attend GFMD

Foreign Employment Minister Thalatha Athukorala has been invited to represent Sri Lanka at the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) to be held in Dhaka Bangladesh on December 10-11.

The invitation was given by Bangladesh High Commissioner Riyaz Hamidullah yesterday at the ministry.

Both countries at this event will take measures to further develop their relationship. It is important to ensure the security of migrants and therefore strengthening the relationship between the two countries is important said minister Athukorala.

The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is a recent initiative of the United Nations Member States to address the migration and development interconnections in practical and action-oriented ways. It is an informal, non-binding, voluntary and government-led process that marks the culmination of more than a decade of international dialogue on the growing importance of the linkages between migration and development. This year Bangladesh is holding the chairmanship and this years forum is themed ““Migration that works for Sustainable Development of all: Towards a Transformative Migration Agenda”.

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