We will become one of the most attractive countries: Min. Sajith Premadasa

Housing and Construction Minister Sajith Premadasa laid the foundation stone on Monday, October 31,  for a tourist resort to be constructed in Akurugoda, Tissamaharama. The estimated cost of the facility is Rs.175 million.

At the event, minister of Housing and Construction Sajith Premadasa said, they will certainly have to impose taxes “if we are to build homes”. And that the funds used to build homes for the homeless and the poor are government funds.

“But do not fear, it is the people that will reap the benefits of the taxes we impose”, he said. “We will become one of the most attractive countries in the world”.

He went on to note that people from other countries want to visit Sri Lanka as tourists, bringing in foreign exchange – and  the main reason for this is the culture of good governance in our country.

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